Princess Royal Station

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What if feedlots disappeared?

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Oct 19, 2018 7:54:09 AM


In Australia, beef cattle feedlots don’t always receive the best publicity, but what if they were to completely disappear? What would the impact be on the Australian economy and the industry as a whole?
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Topics: Feedlots, Feedlot, Australia, Grain Fed Beef, Australian Beef, Beef Market, jobs

Getting in Touch with Farmers

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Oct 5, 2018 12:25:00 PM


Australian consumers have never been so in touch and interested in where their food has come from . In what has been referred to as the ‘Paddock to Plate’ movement, a wave of interest has sparked into farming.
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Topics: Agriculture, Farmers, Suppy Chain, Australians, Food

Passing on the Land

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Sep 21, 2018 9:21:00 AM


Family farms are the foundation of the Australian agricultural industry. Passing the farm and business on to the next generation is a parents dream, but the reality is that it can be complicated and problematic .
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Topics: Agriculture, Farming Families, Farmers, Preperation, Family

What is Supplementary Feeding?

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Sep 7, 2018 7:29:00 AM


Like humans, a balanced diet is essential for optimal health. Supplementary feeding allows producers to balance their livestock’s diet for elements that may be missing from their pastures or feed mixes.
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Topics: Beef, Agriculture, Australian Beef, Grass Fed, Pasture Fed, Feeding

What is a feedlots role in the supply chain?

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Aug 23, 2018 12:16:32 PM
Despite what many people believe, cattle do not spend their entire life in a feedlot. A feedlot is used by producers to finish cattle ready for slaughter, or because a producer’s pastures are insufficient to sustain the livestock on grass alone during particular times of the year .
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Topics: Beef, Feedlots, Feedlot, Beef Cattle, Grain Fed Beef, Australian Beef, Red Meat

Australia's Drought Plight

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Aug 10, 2018 1:54:05 PM
Drought. A word that all farmers, their families and rural communities dread. Drought is a prolonged period which has severe consequences ecosystems, the economy and society. Below average rainfall has resulted in a water shortage and no feed for the livestock.
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Topics: Beef, Beef Cattle, Grain Fed Beef, Australian Beef, Red Meat, Steak

Our Award Winning Beef

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Jul 27, 2018 8:04:26 AM
On Wednesday, 4th of July, the World Steak Challenge was held in London. For the third year running Teys Australia have entered premium Angus beef sourced from Princess Royal Feedlot, located north of Burra, South Australia and for the third year straight have received an award.
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Topics: Beef, Beef Cattle, Grain Fed Beef, Australian Beef, Red Meat, Steak

Mustering on a Cattle Station

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Jul 12, 2018 2:14:31 PM

Written by Anna Nunn 

As the sun makes its way over the ranges the stockman’s day has well and truly already begun. A cuppa or two and a hearty breakfast while discussing plans for the day around the table, waiting for just enough light to get going.

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Topics: Insider, Cattle, Livestock, Industry, Australia, Rural, Australian Beef, Outback, Stations, cattle station

Fast Facts About 8 Common Australian Crops

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Jun 29, 2018 8:00:00 AM
How much do you know about some common broadacre crops? Can you recognise them as you drive past on country roads? Do you know what they are all used for?
We decided to put together a list of 8 common Australian crops that can be seen in many regional areas and some of their characteristics .
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Topics: Crops, Agriculture, Producers, Feedlots, Australia, Hay, Cropping, Farming, Crop, Australian, South australia

How are producers becoming more resourceful?

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Jun 15, 2018 2:09:03 PM
In one of our recent articles, why we need to do more with less, we explained that the global population's demand for food is estimated to grow by a third between 2009 and 2050, or by 2.3 billion people to a total of 9.1 billion people . (High-Level Expert Forum, 2009)
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Topics: Agriculture, Producers, Farming, sustainability, Australian

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