Princess Royal Station

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A Brief History of South Australian Agriculture

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Mar 24, 2017 4:24:37 PM

Unlike the eastern states of Australia, South Australia was not colonised by convicts, the state was committed to a ‘free’ settlement when the South Australian Association, formed in late 1833, promoted the state to Europeans. (Bound for South Australia

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Topics: History, Agriculture, Livestock, Industry, Producers, Australia, Cropping, Farming, Quality, Production

6 Ways Technology is Improving Agriculture

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Mar 10, 2017 2:04:59 PM
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Topics: Agriculture, Livestock, Industry, Producers, Safety, Marketing, Farming, WHS, Work Health and Safety

How do Feedlots Minimise their Impact?

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Feb 24, 2017 2:14:12 PM
It is no secret that primary agricultural industries are under increasingly more pressure to justify the impact that their practices and processes have on the environment .
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Topics: Insider, Cattle, Agriculture, Livestock, Industry, Feedlot, Beef Cattle, Environment

What is Weaning?

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Feb 10, 2017 3:30:00 PM

It's that time of year again when the calves must be weaned from the cows, their mothers. Breeding programs are individual to the need of each producer, the season and livestock health and welfare. Weaning forms an important process of the program for breeding cattle.

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Topics: Cattle, Beef, Silage, Livestock, Hay, Caring for Livestock, Facts, weaning

What Factors Delay Harvest in Australia?

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Jan 27, 2017 12:09:19 PM
The majority of farming is an industry that is reliant on the changing of the seasons as well as the weather.
Farmers rely on rain and the sunshine at the right time for crops to grow, rain or the wrong conditions at the wrong time can hold up the whole show .
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Topics: Agriculture, Australia, Farmers, Cropping, Farming, Quality, Crop

Are there Animal Welfare Standards for the Land Transport of Livestock?

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Jan 13, 2017 5:10:08 PM

It is in everybody’s best interest to ensure that livestock are not under any unnecessary stress before, during or after they are transported. 

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Topics: Transport, Trucks, Freight, Animal Welfare, Regulations, Farming, Care, Land Transport, Welfare

What Influences the Quality of Beef?

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Dec 16, 2016 4:29:50 PM

What does influence the quality of beef? Why is some beef considered to be of a higher quality? We go through just some of the factors that influence the quality of your beef. 

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Topics: Angus, Beef, Feedlot, Animal Welfare, Farming, Grain Fed Beef, Australian Beef, Breeds, Care, Black Angus, Quality, Genentics

How Are Australian Livestock Industries Improving?

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Dec 2, 2016 12:23:41 PM

Livestock industries have made huge contributions in initiatives to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of everyday activities. As well as reducing the overall impact of practices on the environment. 

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Topics: Insider, Cattle, Angus, Beef, Livestock, Industry, Producers, Feedlots, Australia, Farmers, Marketing, Why Do Farmers Market, Animal Welfare, Caring for Livestock, Regulations, Farming

Why Farmers Should Be Marketing

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Nov 18, 2016 4:32:13 PM
Many farmers would generally look at marketing as an unnecessary tool for their business or they generally don’t think about marketing at all.
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Topics: Insider, Cattle, Livestock, Industry, Producers, Farmers, Marketing, Why Do Farmers Market

Why is Safety Important for Australian Farmers?

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Nov 4, 2016 1:39:06 PM

The statistics are scary...

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Topics: Insider, Agriculture, Local, Country Life, Farmers, Safety, Farming, WHS, Work Health and Safety

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