Princess Royal Station

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Princess Royal Station: Leading the Way in Agricultural Innovation

Posted by Princess Royal Station on May 18, 2016 3:02:56 PM


When you think of the word ‘innovation’, you might think of the big tech companies. Or, you might think of the organisations that are developing space travel technology. Those industries are pretty innovative, right? Of course, they are!

Beef farming and agriculture isn't something you'd usually consider innovative, is it?

Well guess what? It is!

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Topics: Angus, Beef, Benefits, The Station, Community, Environmental Focus

From Pasture to Plate: The Princess Royal Supply Chain

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Apr 21, 2016 4:45:07 PM

Have you ever wondered just how much effort goes into getting your delicious steak on your plate? Ever pondered just how many people contributed to your meal?

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Topics: Insider, Cattle, Information, Beef, What we do, Harvest, Crops

The Facts on Our Feed

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Apr 12, 2016 11:35:02 AM

When it comes down to ensuring premium quality beef, we’re firm believers that it all starts with the quality of the food.

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Topics: Insider, Cattle, Organic, Harvest, Crops, Silage

South Australia's Best Wine Regions

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Mar 15, 2016 5:20:16 PM

South Australia is chock-a-block full of fantastic places to go and sights to see. It’s one of the great things about living and working in this beautiful area, you always know that just around the corner there’ll be a gorgeous bush walk or fun activity for you to do.

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Topics: Wine, Organic, Burra, Wine Regions, Things to Do

How We Care for Our Livestock

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Feb 25, 2016 12:39:27 PM

We know from experience that there is a lot of confusion around feedlots and the Australian red meat industries. Many people have questions about what happens in a feedlot and how the livestock are treated. Rest assured, the Australian livestock and feedlot industries are world leaders in animal welfare and livestock production.

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Topics: Insider, Cattle, Information, Benefits, What we do, Burra

Our Top Rated Cattle Breeds for South Australia

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Feb 1, 2016 8:12:37 AM


The cattle industry has been a big part of South Aussie culture for many, many years. With our gorgeous rolling hills and wide open spaces, it’s no wonder that it’s a location that many in cattle farming industry are proud to call home. 

At Princess Royal Station, we count ourselves among the lucky people to live and work in such a beautiful surrounding. 

At our stations and properties, we raise and feedlot a variety of cattle. Shorthorn, Angus and Droughtmaster are the types of cattle you will see grazing along our hillsides. 

So, why do we raise these breeds? What characteristics and traits allow them to thrive in our South Australian climate?

We reckon these breeds stand out from the herd (yes, pun intended) - here’s why. 

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Topics: Insider, History, Cattle, Information, Angus, Droughtmaster, Beef, Shorthorn

Shiraz Vs. Cabernet Sauvignon: Which Pairs Best With Beef?

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Dec 8, 2015 12:29:13 PM

Red wine and beef go together like chocolate and strawberries. Like peas and carrots. Like Arthur and Martha. We all know this, but with so many red wine varieties out there, it can be difficult to decide which one to uncork.

Never fear - our organic wine experts are here to help.

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Topics: Beef, Benefits, What we do, Wine, Organic

A Brief History of Beef

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Nov 16, 2015 12:48:44 PM

While seeing a herd of cows grazing on the pasture seems an iconic country Australian vision, have you ever stopped to consider the history of beef in Australia? Buckle up for a brief history on beef. It’s a catchy title, we know.

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Topics: History, Cattle, Information, Beef, The Station, Environmental Focus

How to Get the Most Out Of Your Beef Cut

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Nov 4, 2015 12:54:34 PM

A beautiful cut of premium Aussie beef needs to be cooked with respect and shared with the people you love. Whether it’s a marbled Porterhouse, a generous forerib on the bone or the humble chuck steak, there is a cut of beef for every taste and budget.  

A steak should be grilled and a roast, roasted, but what about the other cuts of meat?

The cooking method is a very important consideration when selecting a cut of beef as this will influence the final product. As different cuts have different attributes, choosing the right cut can help ensure the meat is tender and juicy regardless of your cooking experience.

Here are some of the ways that you can highlight Aussie beef at home, the key is to keep it simple and let the flavour of the beef shine.

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Topics: Insider, Information, Beef, Benefits, Expert Advice

5 Reasons to Love Country Living

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Oct 15, 2015 3:45:56 PM


City living comes with a list of trials and tribulations, from the dreaded peak hour traffic to the noisy late night interruptions. Though you’re where the action is, you may find yourself desiring a change of scenery.

Country living offers a number of benefits, and as rural advocates here at Princess Royal Station, we have decided to share with you the best parts about living in the country.

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Topics: The Station, Organic, Burra, Community

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