When did Australians learn to love wine?

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Feb 9, 2018 8:04:00 AM

There is no doubting that us Aussies love our plonk. The ABS published that in 2012-13, 487.7 million litres of Australian wine was sold domestically for $2,369.2 million! (ABS, 2013

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Topics: History, Wine, Wine Regions, Australia, Australian, South australia, Australians

Burra Creek Wines: The History

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Aug 26, 2016 5:24:35 PM

Our vineyard was the brain child of Simon Rowe after an anonymous man said to him that our area around Burra “was as good a country for growing red grapes as he’d seen.” So, Simon teamed up with an old friend and winemaker, Andrew Hardy and planted 30 acres of Shiraz and Cabernet vines.


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Topics: History, Wine, Organic, Burra, Wine Regions, Organic Wine

South Australia's Best Wine Regions

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Mar 15, 2016 5:20:16 PM

South Australia is chock-a-block full of fantastic places to go and sights to see. It’s one of the great things about living and working in this beautiful area, you always know that just around the corner there’ll be a gorgeous bush walk or fun activity for you to do.

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Topics: Wine, Organic, Burra, Wine Regions, Things to Do

Shiraz Vs. Cabernet Sauvignon: Which Pairs Best With Beef?

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Dec 8, 2015 12:29:13 PM

Red wine and beef go together like chocolate and strawberries. Like peas and carrots. Like Arthur and Martha. We all know this, but with so many red wine varieties out there, it can be difficult to decide which one to uncork.

Never fear - our organic wine experts are here to help.

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Topics: Beef, Benefits, What we do, Wine, Organic

Why Choose Organic Wine?

Posted by Princess Royal Station on Jul 23, 2015 11:11:47 AM

Nothing is more relaxing than enjoying a fine red wine in front of the fire. A perfect accompaniment for delicious red meat, a full-bodied Cabernet or Shiraz is a must for the wine rack. With organic wines growing in popularity, many people are beginning to wonder what makes them so special.  

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Topics: Insider, Information, Benefits, Wine, Organic, Expert Advice

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